
21 December 2021

Molinari Srl renews its support for Dynamo Camp

For this Christmas Molinari Srl has decided to give to ten children a day at Dynamo Camp. Dynamo Camp offers Therapeutic Recreation programs and hosts free […]
22 September 2021

New catalog of customized orthopedic footwear

The new Molinari orthopedic footwear catalog has arrived! Those who need custom-made orthopedic footwear know that it is not at all easy to find shoes that […]
22 December 2020

Also in 2020 Molinari Srl supports Dynamo Camp

At the end of such unusual year we have made the choice to replace our usual Christmas gifts with support to those in need. Our stockings […]
17 January 2018

Renewed support for Dynamo Camp

Dynamo Camp is the first recreational therapy camp in Italy. It welcomes children from 6 to 17 years of age with serious or chronic illness, and […]
15 December 2017

An orthopaedic workshop in Africa

During the summer of 2017 Tommaso Mombelli spent a week at our shoe factory in Castell’Arquato to learn the basic principles necessary for making orthopaedic shoes […]
28 November 2017

Our new website is online!

Molinari S.r.l. revamps its online presence. We say good-bye to our old website to keep up to speed with the evolution of the Internet, which requires […]
20 November 2017

OrthoSenso Course Monday 4th December 2017

“Orthosenso” arch support: presentation and design of orthotics. Arch support orthotics radically changed the approach to orthopedic issues and more, whether they are purely bio-mechanical, postural-functional, […]
20 September 2017

Open House at Schein Orthopädie Service Kg.

On Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th July 2017, a training course was held at Schein Orthopädie in Germany on the Treadmill System, the NovaPED S90 Carbon […]